Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Edge of LIfe - Part 1

"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?" Dr Suess

I don't "fit in".

It is a theme that has run throughout my life and been a driving force behind many of my successes and failures.  Not fitting in has become such a profound part of how I see myself that I have rated it in my top three self-identifying qualities.

"Sam Edge - Father, writer and misfit." 

My Blog title "Notes from the Edge" is loaded with personal double meanings. Most obviously it refers to me "Sam Edge - the Edge" writing notes. It refers to the Edginess of my Blog and overall personality. It can refer to gaining an advantage or "an Edge on" life. It can also refers to me writing "from the Edge of" life - or from the outside looking in. This last meaning ties into the "misfit paradigm" that I have adopted and the general subject of this post. 

As a self described "Misfit" I don't spend a lot of time at the meaty part of the curve, so to speak. Being either slightly ahead or behind the curve (depending on your perspective) is something that I have been aware of for as long as I can remember. I have done all kinds of crazy things to "fit in". I never really knew exactly what I was trying to fit into - I just knew I didn't fit. 

More recently I have found some peace with my Misfit status. In fact, I have come to embrace it. As I stumble down the road of individuation and self-discovery I have identified that there are other Misfits out there. Self-proclaimed and otherwise.  There appears to be a community of self identified Misfits emerging as bizarre and somewhat oxymoronic (pretty sure that's not a word - until now) phenomenon.

These Misfits hail from all corners of the world and exhibit varied experiences and values. The common thread that binds this community is they do not generally prescribe the same values and  conventions as the majority of Humans. For example, faced with the following standard: 

"Get out of High school, go to College, get married, 2.4 Kids and off ya go ..." (This is not a bad thing, by the way, it's just a thing)

A Misfit will likely respond to this proposal with a blank, uninterested look and some comment like: "Is that really important."

The majority of the Humans would call him a misfit, no job, no home, no family, no education - but he becomes inspired by Lance Armstrong and ends up taking the most nontraditional path back to the "mother ship".... So really who knows. In this case being a mistfit opened up door of opportunity that would otherwise not been available.

To be continued ...

Respectfully, from the Edge


  1. At age 3 or 4, my mom bought me a record album with Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer smiling and Santa smiling even more...I then knew there was hope for Misfits. I loved watching that Christmas special on TV, every year, in black and white; color TV was too expensive in the 60's. Then, videos, DVDs, Netflix for Roku were NOT even imaginable!! We were lucky to see one movie per year at the theater or in the Drive-In...why my mother ever brought us kids to see Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho...I will never literally mom died a few years back, but I sometimes still have Post Traumatic Stress issues over that horrible shower scene.) Anyway, I often imagine myself on the Island of Misfits...not appreciated, like Rudolph or his other toy companions, including that dentist elf. Other qualities regarding my definition of "Misfit" is not being well-loved or least, not how I imagine a person made by God ought to be loved, cherished, and really liked. Then, in my mind's eye, I see Rudolph with his nose so bright and brilliantly glaring...and that album cover, long lost and discarded...returns to my memory. Santa discovered Rudolph's admirable worth, just like I believe God helps us discover our unique value; even though we're wrapped with veritable imperfections. I rely on God and the wits given me to recognize my fit in the Universe. Daily I am reminded that my misfitted imperfections won't be enough to dim the real inner me who is perfectly loved in God's eternal eyes:) I know that the hidden person of our heart may not be easily evident to many people, while we live here on planet earth. Yet, see ya there!

    1. Yes I do believe we qualify as Misfits Theresa.

  2. A misfit and a self-described "geek" make a pretty good "misfit" pair ;p the reference to the "Island of misfit toys" by Theresa ...I just watched The Perks of being a Wallflower" and they referenced that in there too ..was a good show about "misfits" your writing DQ :)

  3. Yup a pair of misfits .... It's funny that the third comment reference to the Island of Misfit Toys. :)


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