This is the final instalment of my Three Part Post on "The Edge of Life". So far we have discussed mostly what I call the Misfit Paradigm. That is, that there is a group of Humans that have this inherent feeling that they do not fit - Mistfits.
This inherent feeling is elusive and unshakable and manifests itself in this particular Misfit as restlessness, discontentment and an inescapable feeling that there is something missing - something more out there.
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Jeff Goins' book "Wrecked: When a Broken World Slams into Your Comfortable Life" is based on young people working in some of the poorest parts of the world and how they become Wrecked from the experience (among other things).
He describes being Wrecked as follows:
".. to be “wrecked” ... means to have a redemptive transformation, often catalyzed by a brush with the pain of a dying world... being wrecked means that everything you believe about this world, yourself, and your destiny is now in question. Because you’ve seen something larger..."
As a Misfit I immediately identified with being "Wrecked". I have always had a deep sense of something larger, of the inequities in our dying world and how the priorities of our consumer culture have become distorted.
In my case this knowledge did not lead to a noble pursuit such as working with missionaries in poverty stricken regions - I took a more classic, rebellious approach - such as lighting poop-filled paper bags on fire and running away. Rather than providing service I engaged in conflict. My heart was in the right place but I was acting out of anger and frustration rather than adding value with tolerance and compassion.
As a result my Misfit status took a negative connotation and my conflict with the Humans became more acute. As a twenty-something I was spinning my tires in frustration. The ineffectiveness of my approach had become apparent.
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My Newest Misfit |
My "redemptive transformation" came after I was already Wrecked. I came to understand that I needed to move towards the positive rather than away from the negative.
This simple change in thinking marked a profound paradigm shift. My ability to affect change increased exponentially. I went back to school and became educated far beyond my intelligence. I found a career in Community Development working in Rural Indigenous Communities building houses, playgrounds and employment opportunities. I created a successful consulting business, a home and a family. I became part of the solution - being a Wrecked Misfit, once my greatest weakness, became my most valuable asset.
Don't get me wrong, freedom from the shackles of negativity is a work in progress. I learn the hard way and I seem to make every mistake at least once. My Uncle once called me "the King of Adversity". I took this as a great compliment. I didn't bother to point out that I created most of my own adversity. My ex recently described me as a "train wreck" ... well she's half right.
This is how I am Wrecked and why I don't fit - and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Today I am moving in the right direction. I embrace the Misfit Paradigm as the heart and soul of my internal compass. I root for the underdog and listen to those with no voice. I believe the strong should protect the weak, not eat them (well not all of them). When I stumble and give into one of my litany of shortcomings I am able to draw on the experience of those Misfits who went before me, dust myself off and move on. More often than not I am better for the experience. I believe that there is a relationship between my ability to fail and succeed - and as a result I embrace both success and failure.
Life is short and there is allot of work to do. There is no time to waste on the small stuff.
Through this Three Part Post I have moved through some of the big chunks of who I am and what I believe.
I hope some of you Misfits can relate.
I mentioned in the first installment of this series that my Blog Title is riddled with double meaning. Parts 1 & 2 were titled "The Edge of Life". The underlying meaning being, as a Misfit, I have felt I am on the outside looking in on much of Life. This 3rd and final Part is Titled "The Edge on Life". The underlying meaning is that with our new perceptions of being a Wrecked Misfit we now have an advantage, or an Edge, on Life.
Watch this short video if you've ever doubted yourself ...
Respectfully, From the Edge.
Thanks for sharing a photo of your adorable newest "Misfit" and as ever, I am glad for all your positive accomplishments, in making the world better. Negativity always trips us up, and leaves us face down in the dirt to be trampled on, a slow agonizing death. I would "rather die living, than live dying." Saw that line somewhere. Hey there, seems having an "EX" may seem like experiencing death. I think you posted a photo of your wife, recently, which makes me think that you remarried and now have someone else to find EXCEPTIONAL HAPPINESS with...and being a parent requires your exceptional moment by moment strength. I believe in the power of prayer. This will be my earnest prayer for you...that you have a wonderful life partner to "misfit" blissfully with and that your dear family of "misfits" would actually fit perfectly together, with enduring love! As many times as my husband and I have wanted to X each other out (23 years this May 27th)...we eventually find that enduring spark of love again to bring us back around to forgiveness & enjoyment. Speaking of misfits, my husband and I are as opposite as night and day. Yet God is the third strand who won't let us break. This isn't a prison sentence. We have twins with severe Autism who rely on the both of us, or we would have cut God's third strand a long time ago. It's like going from the frying pan into the fire. Knowing that, I turn to God more readily for the wisdom on how to love my husband rather than ditch our commitment to the dirt. And every time, God has given me insight how to raise my marriage from the dead! Not many people want to hear "elusive God crap"...well, I am thankful for my twins with severe autism who make me run to God and not away from our Creator. Again, probably a taboo topic. I don't attend any church. I've only experienced hurt in attending churches. I am talking about running to the One who made the neurons in my brain, who made the eyes of us all, who makes flowers so colorful, and the list is infinitum. That One named Love. And my payer for you Jason; Sam Edge, is to find your inner strength where God communicates with you, alone! That's the Powerful Edge of Mercy, and Love we all need to live on! Hope I don't say anything offensive to you and your readers. I am only speaking from my experience of Life on the Edge. Without God in me, I wouldn't survive. Knowing God is with me 24/7, never to leave me, for any reason, gives me the Power to see others and respond to situations with the best perspectives, possible. Just sayin:)
ReplyDeleteStrang and beautiful Trusty ... just like you :) Thanks for the kind words and prayer for me and my family. Yes, I definitely traded up in the spouse department. I've been with my Wife for 9 years now and we fall more in love every day. My three girls all lived with us until this last year when I lost the eldest (Emma) to my ex in a fairly bitter custody battle. God and prayer is not taboo with me and I don't apologize for my beliefs. I will think about my time with God on the Edge of Mercy. I am sending prayers back to you and your family . It must be a challenge have autistic children. I'm sure they hav wonderful and gifted side to them. I appreciate your comments Trusty you makeNotes from the Edge a better place :) Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteWow I liked all three of your life on the edge articles on being a misfit..its funny how so many of us just don't feel we fit in and are different from others in some way and how we each deal with this so differently..I just recently watched "The perks of being a wallflower" its a pretty good show about a "tribe of misfits" in life ...its a great movie and it shows how differently a few of the main characters dealt with tragedies or "wrecks" in their lives. One of the characters makes reference to the "Island of misfit toys" from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer...the show reminds me of what you discussed in all three of your articles on being a misfit. I love your writing ..there is such a stark honesty & I really appreciate that ...thank you.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome ... as I always say comments are what make Blogging worth while. I haven't seen the wallflower movie but I will check it out. I am glad there are a few out here that my rambling :)
DeleteIts funny you are the third person to refer to that show in reference to my series on misfits! Now I have to watch that show