Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Edge of Life - Part 2

My all Time Favourite Misfit
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

When I started Blogging and attempting to build an online community I ran into the idea of a "Tribe". Bloggers that I aspire to be like when (and if) I grow up including Seth Godin, Jeff Goins, The Robert D and all those crazy talented content writers over at Copyblogger talk about their Tribe to describe the Global Online Community.

A Tribe forms by attraction to clearly presented and well thought out ideas and experiences written by Bloggers. These Tribes give life to a writer's work and ultimately become the driving force behind it.

For Misfits a Tribe can be extremely powerful.

The formation of a Tribe can alleviate some of the long term personal fragmentation and self-doubt built up over years of feeling "I don't fit". As a members of this Tribe, I am now able to focus more energy on being what God intended me to be:  a parent, spouse, friend, protector, provider and Human

I have more energy to be the best Sam I can be and focus on doing the next right thing.

A small Tribe is gathering around Notes from the Edge. I seem to be slowly attracting this Tribe of Misfits through nothing more than the development of Authentic and Experiential Content.

I found that I am not the only one in the Blogosphere who identifies with a Tribe of Misfits. Jeff Goines, wrote a short e-book entitled the Misfit Manifesto. I was forwarded a free copy of the Manifesto by joining +Jeff Goins' site.

The Manifesto not only embraced what I have come to call the Misfit Paradigm but also the concept being Wrecked., In fact, The Misfit Manifesto was a launching pad to Jeff's Book, Wrecked: When a Broken World Slams Into Your Comfortable LifeThe content of Jeffs writing closely mirrored my thoughts and feelings about my world view and value system. 

As I continuing on with this series of posts on the "Edge of Life" I will examine what it means to be Wrecked. how this relates to being a Misfit, and how this is working in my life and helping me in my ongoing efforts to do the Next Right Thing.

I would encourage you to read Jeff's Free E-book and if that makes sense to you read Wrecked available on his website Here.

I will send a copy of the E-book to my mailing list. It is a great read and only a couple of thousand words in lenght. If you are not on my e-mail list, please join my site by entering your e-mail in the "Follow by E-mail" Widget at the top of the right hand side bar and I will send an digital copy to you. Alternatively you can go to and download it yourself.

Jeff has another great free e-book called the Writers Manifesto - which is basically a call to action for writers and available for download on his site.

As I wrote this Post it occurred to me that I have very openly referred my readers as Wrecked Misfits and this may not be a s flattering to others as it is to me.

Bear with me -  the Edge on Life is intended to be a three or four Post Series series. I am hoping that being a Wrecked Misfit will become something we will proudly identify ourselves with and even form a community bond around this idea once properly explored..

The Question I post to you ... If we get enough Misfits together doesn't that make THEM THE MISFITS!!!!!. 

The Misfit Revolution?

Ummm unlikely, but a great segway into to this song by another misfit.

To be continued ...

Respectfully, from the Edge


  1. Wouldn't a tribe of misfits be an oxymoron? :)

    1. Hey that's awesome you said that here is a quote from The Edge of Life - Part 1:

      "More recently I have found some peace with my Misfit status. In fact, I have come to embrace it. As I stumble down the road of individuation and self-discovery I have identified that there are other Misfits out there. Self-proclaimed and otherwise. There appears to be a community of self identified Misfits emerging as bizarre and somewhat oxymoronic (pretty sure that's not a word - until now) phenomenon."


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