Wednesday, January 09, 2013

The Edge of Intention

I submitted this writing exercise as part of the Trifecta Weekly Writing Challenge. I have been following the contest for a few weeks now and the content is great and the writers are talented. I may make this a weekly feature to "Notes from the Edge." Contest rules outlined below.

When I took on this writing challenge I read a sampling of other authors and thought "Wow. These guys are great I'm going to try that... "

This is my eleventh draft and I am starting from a blank sheet. I wrote a poem, a story about a mean ex wife, a story about a vindictive mother and list of things that rhymed with intention. 

So I abandoned their style and went back to my own.

Ironically, my writing style is very much tied to “Intention” (or what it is that I intend to do or bring about through my writing.) My writing is based on my experiences. My intention is to use my experiences to help others. 

Some authors are very good at subtly weaving the "Prompt" into their story and evoking all kinds of feelings and abstract thought.  Being a man of unremarkable talent and intelligence, I beat my readers over the head with the Prompt and try to make a significant point in the process.
Deepak Chopra wrote a book called the "7 Spiritual Laws of Success." I read this book about 15 years ago and it had a significant impact on me. The Fifth Law is the "Law of Intention and Desire." Intention in this context was something we were to set our sites on and lock into - very much in line with definition 3a of this exercise. 

Once fully engaged in, and attached to, our Intention and Desire we were then to let go, or Detach (Sixth Law), of this intention and put 100% of our “Attention" into the next right thing. By this logic we reach our Intention effortlessly as represented by our Dharma or Life's Purpose (Seventh Law).  

As I write this I realise that Intention is very much my writing style. It is by Intention itself, and loosely following these Spiritual Laws, that I was able to get through this post on Intention in my own unique way in complete harmony with my Dharma. 

(Word Count 333)

Respectfully, From the Edge


  1. Hi Sam, I think writing your blog is a very nice has something that attracted me, despite a bit distracting background and a title which is a bit hard to read :)
    Anyway, there is a certain warmth about it, can't quite explain, good energy I guess..
    Keep up the good work and I'll be back.
    Maybe, if you like yummy things, you can visit my daily yummy photo blog.

    Take care, Zoey

  2. Hey Zoey thanks so much for the nice words on my Blog. I guess the one thing I do try to do is be authentic and I hope that comes out in my writing. There is only one version of me. I also thank you for the input on my page design ... Is it the bold colour of the Background or the design itself that you find distracting? I will make a couple of quick changes and let me know if that helps :)

  3. Welcome! I don't think any of us are unremarkable. Glad you shared with us.

  4. Hey thanks it was allot of fun! Might become habit forming. :)

  5. Ah very nice indeed. I loved that you wrote so many versions of the prompt before settling on this one. You can never go wrong when your true to yourself!

  6. Yes ... to thy own self be true... Linda. Thanks :)


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