If you have been checking out the site this week you will have noticed a number of changes to the page layout and features. I have been quietly obsessing over it the last week. I've been getting some great advice from some Blogging and Writing Forums I joined and I can't thank those folks enough.
I was rebelling against the "Black Font on White Background Paradigm." I find this is so accepted that all Blogs are taking on a uni-blog appearance with little ability to set your design out from the pack. That being said everyone else in the know about on-line print swears by this colour combo as the best to attract and keep readers. In fact, it is the first consistent thing that I noticed when I started cruising Guru Blogs.
I ended up with a little of something for everyone. I kept my bold colours and cool fonts but restricted them to the sidebars, backgrounds and headings. On the posting area I stuck to the white background with black font that everyone loves. I even have a little Celtic art looking background to help me stay connected to my Tribal roots.
There are so many good, free, templates at Blogger.com and once you get the hang of the Advanced Custom Design feature the combinations are endless. I get picky, anal, and generally difficult when it comes to what I want. Unfortunately, I am not good enough at website design to be that picky. With the custom CSS feature the possibilities are endless. I am not very good at CSS, or any code writing, so I got CSS for Dummies - its was over my head. So now I am looking for CSS for monkeys. If that's too much it may have to be CSS for Mollusks.

I chose the "Picture Window Theme" I like the layout and the variety of configuration sidebar windows. It is themes where you can make your individual mark on your page with picture windows. I went through many before finding the right one and landed on the flowers and hummingbird as I thought it captured how I see the Blog. This is the template I started with, the top 1/3 is the Custom Design so you can see how much room there is for personalizing these templates.
I am actually on a short holiday (48 hrs.) with the kids. I am writing this poolside. I have managed to get in touch with some great support group for Blogging and Writing so I may be making changes as they review my site and provide input for improvements. I am urging comments from you, my readers, regarding:
1. Content - topics chosen, if you agree, clarification, what do you like, what don't you like
2. Design - Any Questions, does it look good? Does it read easy? What would you do?
3. Format - Posts length, cursing, frequency how many per week,
I just started this Blog and, for all my faults, the one thing I can do is write. I am committed to constantly improving content and will always give my best. If you are looking for a new Blogger that wants to build a community and exchange ideas with you - that's me. At your service. Let me know what you like - I will do more of that. Let me know what you don't like. I will stop doing that.
Join the Information Entertainment Revolution, where content builds success and the viewer directly drives content!
The Revolution is growing on the backs of pinheads like me who can afford to spend 20 hrs or more per week and not get paid and who toughed it out through three years of University English before we realised we were about to get a degree in unemployment. Ugh. Too late! We already read all the Great Authors and not only were we stuck loving them and their works, we developed a passion for the Art of Writing Prose and Poetry, this love will never leave us.
Respectfully, From the Edge